


Photography:  n. the art or process of producing images by the action of radiant energy and especially light on a sensitive surface (such as film or an optical sensor) - Merriam Webster online

The photographic process doen't just include film and optical sensors - it's more.  OH SO MUCH MORE!  It's fun and exciting to experiment with alternative processes.  It's a whole other world, with wonderful luxurious exhaustive textbooks that can inspire creative people for a lifetime!  Cyanotypes are just one example, and I love making them whenever I get the chance.  I will post more here on my website about them, but for now you can take a look at my dedicated Facebook page and Instagram if you are interested in learning more. 

(The Cyano-crab, above, is part of a special project I have been working on for a couple of years, called Cyanimals. Below, you can see recent posts from my cyano-instagram feed, SunPrint Art)


Blueprints on Fabric supplies top quality pre-coated cyanotype fabric (plus is a small business and offers great service!)

Freestyle Photo sells chemistry kits, pre-coated paper, and all kinds of other cyanotype goodies

Artcraft Chemicals sells raw cyanotype chemicals (plus just about any other photographic chemical you could ever need)

Peter Mrhar has a book that’s excellent in terms of introducing you to the process; his is the formula that I use when I mix up my own chemistry, and I get it out of that book.

This book is where to go next if you really want to dive down the rabbit hole and get crazy technical / nerdy with the process. It also includes a ton of amazing cyanotype art.

I’ve been putting videos on my YouTube channel:

This one shows you how to coat your own paper.

This one illustrates how you can incorporate drawing / writing into a cyanotype.